Since 1 June 2007 entered into force the REACH Regulation (CE) n. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and Council.

In accordance with the provisions of REACH, who manufactures or imports from outside the EU a substance on its own or contained in a preparation, in quantities equal to or greater than one tonne per year, is obliged to register it on the European Chemical Agency.

According to Article 59 of REACH, substances included in the so-called “Candidate List” have been identified as substances of very high concern (SVHC). These substances can have very serious effects on the environment and health. Substances on the Candidate List may be subject to authorisation by decision of the European Commission. The updated list of substances classified as SVHC is available at the following link:

According to the requirements of Article 31 (1) of REACH, suppliers of substances or preparations must provide the recipient of the substance or preparation with a safety data sheet if a substance on its own or as part of the preparation is included in the Candidate List.

According to the requirements of Article 33 of REACH, suppliers of articles containing one or more substances listed in the Candidate List in a concentration above 0.1% (w/w) must provide sufficient information, including as a minimum the name of the substance in question.

According to the requirements of Article 67 of REACH, substances as such or components of a mixture or an article, for which Annex XVII provides a restriction, cannot be manufactured, placed on the market or used if they do not comply with the conditions of such restrictions

With reference to the above, ITALFIL S.p.A. has the obligation to monitor the entire supply chain by receiving specific information from its suppliers.

We therefore ask to provide us with sufficient information to establish whether:

• All chemical substances, as such or components of preparations or articles, if covered and subject to REACH, have been registered

• The products supplied to us contain chemical substances classified as SVHC and, in any case, in a concentration greater than 0.1% by weight.

• The products supplied to us contain substances that fall within the use restriction regime provided for by Art. 67 and the list reported in Annex XVII of REACH.

ITALFIL S.p.A. | P. I. 01000530285